Join me on your evolutionary sacred woman’s path for 2024 as you root into a new paradigm of sustainable divine prosperity that is led by soul and anchored with embodied feminine awakening principles.

The New Feminine Economy is here!

Women who are stepping into their purpose. 

Sharing their gifts.

Living from a place that is overflowing with energy and love. 

This is OUR time to lead the way into a new vision of collective healing and prosperity that serves the whole.

Wouldn’t you agree?

One that includes yourself, first and foremost, so that the beauty and richness of your purpose can finally, naturally unfold in the world providing the prosperity you know you were born to experience.

The last two years have been hard.

Would you agree?

As the old systems crumble, NEW ways to be congruent with our divinity, while experiencing freedom and prosperity along our soulful feminine path are needed.

Listen, Feminine Prosperity ™ is an energetic state.

It’s a consciousness.

It exists in an overflow state.

It requires NEW ways of being and sacred spaces that allow us to pull back from the patriarchal conditioning of the world, so we may rewire, re-root and rebirth ourselves into authentic women, who have built the capacity to receive the prosperity we know is possible!

It’s time to break the chains.

To come into our power.

To rise, as nourished leaders in a new paradigm of heart centered prosperity.

To have money meet us with ease at the level of our needs, wants, desires and values as women.

“I love going into the records with you once a month in the new moon energy. It helps me to keep moving forward in the cycle of the year as I grow and change with the seasons. What comes through always resonates on one level or another.

Helps be stand stronger in my gifts.”

Pam Sommerfeld

Akashic Womens Guide

I have experienced Tara’s wonderful flower essences about 6 times now & Every one of them has been made specifically for me. Using these flower essences allows channeled messages in and powerful insights & shifts to occur! The energetic upgrade is undeniable. I love them so much & would recommend them to anyone looking for a gentle journey within!

The last new moon akashic transmission from Tara was nothing short of FIRE!

The opportunity to consciously shed old layers from The Collective & Self felt amazing!

The message to allow myself to feel safe in my energy was a needed reminder to connect back into my magic with confidence & new inspiration. The biggest awareness was that I received is that I choose to use play to marry my masculine & feminine within, while protecting & nurturing my vulnerability to support & strengthen my desire for next level living!  I’ve listened to this call 3x now, as I felt such hope & an undeniable energetic high afterwards.

Heather Irene,
Radiant Women’s Leadership Mentor


Pushing hard. 

Doing, doing and going.

Never feeling like you’re enough…


Never enough time. 

Never enough energy.

With little space to indulge in inner root system work, keeps your energetic system in collapse and depletion.

The old world would have you keep existing like that, because like that there is little space to recalibrate to deeper divine TRUTHS. 

To access the true codes of your wealthy divine feminine heritage.

To have the space needed to NOURISH your soulful foundation so that you can shift your frequency into alignment with TRUE EMBODIED FEMININE PROSPERITY.

There you have access to influence. 


And, an energetic state that is buoyant, full, and prosperous.

As we feel full (and safe) in the channel of our unqiue contribution and presence in the world, divine compensation naturally circulates back to us to support our flourishing purpose in the new paradigm.

And well, hello, money flow!

Buried under the needs of everyone around you.



Holding on to our money.

Those are the ways of the past.

Existing in an OLD ancient system of energetic soul level suppression for lifetimes and lifetimes no longer serves you.

Can you feel that?

It’s time to break free.

How about divine prosperity that is rooted in feminine principles?

Reading won’t do it!

Embodying a NEW paradigm will!

And that is where the Feminine Prosperity Portal Monthly New Moon Akashic Circles ™come in.

You’ve got to NOURISH to FLOURISH.

In the NEW Paradigm you’ve got to NOURISH to FLOURISH!

Monthly New Moon Akashic Feminine Prosperity Circles are Designed to:

 -Create a sacred space for you to come home to yourself and the deeper soul level foundation work needed to bring you into a space of prosperous embodied presence & power so you can shift deeply ingrained poverty patterns of push, go, do, never enough, scarcity patterns once and for all.
-Create recalibration space for you to NOURISH as you FLOURISH in a NEW PARADIGM of beauty, prosperity and power!
– Support cyclical living for sustainable energy as you ebb and flow  with the lunar cycles to build a nourished frequency
– Heal and empower your sacred woman’s relationship with money, as you awaken new prosperity codes and the blueprint of your divine feminine power.
– Past life, ancestral and inner child work to clear layers and lifetimes of deep soul level, subconscious, cellular patriarchal imprinting separating you from the natural laws of divine prosperity and your embodied feminine energy as a sacred woman living her purpose.
– Embodied practices to open up your energetic system and anchor you into the safety of your own channel of truth.
– Connect you to your naturalness, sensuality and flow for ease in your business and life.
– Rewire and release hyper-masculine push go do patterns while connecting your gifts to money.
– Awaken you to your beautiful abundance and the limitless riches that exit within, while coming into alignment with your higher vision, and deeper values having money meet you there.
– Awaken divine feminine magic in your life as SHE leads the way to your evolution paradigm upgrades through all areas of your life.
– Support true integrated paradigm shifts for divine prosperity (say goodbye to the never enough, chasing)
– Express and embody more of your unique essence, wisdom and medicine.
-Create space in your life, business and relationships for your feminine to lead and money to meet you their.
-Upgrade your inner divine union templates & inner energetic foundation  to root in flourishing foundation of freedom as modern woman who wants to live her sacred in the world beyond the box of societies lack, limitation and scarcity illusion.
– Strengthen your internal energetic foundation through Akashic soul-level work and shamanic journeys in the Akasha.
– Deep healing & release
– Integration of new states of being through monthly deepening assignments.


Each Month Through Out The 2024 Year You Will Receive:

– A Monthly LIVE New Moon Feminine Prosperity Akashic Activation, Channeled Akashic Transmission, & Shamanic Guided Journey to support your divine feminine awakening, and new paradigm prosperity, and embodiment upgrades.
-Monthly themes that all support a nourished, powerful, and magnetic energy field, with clearing work and upgraded
-Shadow work (or root system work as I like to call it) to support your sacred rise!

– Activation’s, soul level subconscious transmission & prosperity block clearing work in a group space that is HIGHLY resonant and accurate!
– Deep clarity, and soulful alignment that flows to support your natural unfolding through the seasonal wheel of the year to support sustainable energy, money healing, and powerful realignment to your soul path.
– Journal prompts for you to deepen into Akashic work on the LIVE calls (LIFETIME ACCESS TO REPLAYS)
– Embodiment steps to integrate NEW ways of being  for energetic rewirting that truly supports lasting change as you learn to hold a new energetic state over the course of the month.

Time with Tara to have your personal questions answered through the Akashic Records  LIVE after the New Moon channelled transmission

– Prosperity practices such as the Radiant Morning Power Hour practise PDF to  support your evolving path & upgraded money stories



Private Community with monthly discussion threads to go deeper with each Akashic Flower Of Life Activation with themes around Feminine Prosperity to share inspirations, personal breakthroughs, come into sisterhood, and ask questions. (Value: limitless)


A 5 Day Pre- Recorded Feminine Prosperity ™ Training To Embody Your Surplus Energy, Activate Your Queen Codes, & Receive Divine Prosperity With Ease. This includes worksheets, affirmations, prayers, sacred union work and so much more. (Value $997


Receive access to a library of Feminine Prosperity Portal Akashic New Moon guided journeys from the last 12 months! Each channeled Akashic Feminine Prosperity Call provides deep cellular healing. Listen again and again to go deeper, illuminating NEW truths, activating more healing, and releasing deeper layers. (Value $997)


Received personalized 1:1 support from your guides, higher self and Akashic Record from Tara herself. After each 45 – 60 Min Feminine Prosperity Akashic Record Activation, Clearing & Channelled Guided Journey Tara will open the line to support your natural soulful unfolding & evolutionary woman’s path for 2024! Ask questions and receive support! Can’t be live? That’s okay, send in your question.  


A BONUS LIVE OPENING CEREMONY & 2024 Akashic Vision Question to kick-start the year container during the first NEW Moon Feminine Prosperity Portal Akashic Activation. 



 Get access to the Feminine Prosperity Akashic New Moon Portal for an entire year! That’s 12 power packed, prosperity amplifying, circles for 2024. 

 Investment $500 USD Until January 10th, 2024 
(Save $497 until January 11th)





The First Feminine Prosperity Akashic New Moon Call is January 11  @ 9AM MT.
All recorded if you can’t make it LIVE. 

Every effort has been made to make to represent the program in detail and clearly!
This is a tried tested and true program with 100% success rates should you fully certify!
Should you make a purchase, you are held 100% responsible for paying in full.



VIP Upgrade (2 Spots Available)

– 3 Private 60 Min Feminine Prosperity Akashic Activations Sessions to be used whenever you desire throughout the year. ($1500 USD)

– 3 custom blended vibrational flower essences sent to you to support deep healing, and activations. With each custom blend, you will receive a 7 Min audio channeled from your Akashic Record to share why each flower essence came through for you and how it will support you (Value $175)


Get the Pre-sale Price Today!

“Just listened to the new moon call, Tara. I know it’s way past new moon, but it was/is still sooo relevant for me and full of important reminders.

I was just letting it all soak in and pondering what my take-away was. I found it really meaningful, and it definitely resonated. As you know, I’m still working on “flow”, etc. after being raised to value “hard work” and thinking in boxes. That was what I was reminded of and I went from there during this Feminine Prosperity Portal Akashic Transmission.

And especially thank you so much for sharing your amazing gifts and knowledge, as well as your skill of communicating what you receive, with us.”

Trudy Connor

Meet Tara

Tara Preston is a New Paradigm Feminine Leadership, Prosperity & Business Mentor for visionary, spiritual women who  desire to flourish in all areas areas of life.

She is the creator of the Flower Of Life Akashic Healing Method ™.

She is a multi 6 figure spiritual business owner, who has spent the last decade working with women at soul-level through one of kind life reinvention transformational packages and Akashic Record work.

She now has a prosperous, freedom based business where she guides other women through major life transformations that paves the way for their next level prosperity, leadership and legacy work all. while rooting deeply into the power of their divine feminine wealth codes.

Tara helps her clients deeply connect to & trust their intuition, leaning into the uniqueness of their authentic leadership, where they begin to create the rules they get to play by in both life & business.

She helps women embrace their power to create life on their terms, shifting from old masculinzed ways of operating in their businesses to ways that feels aligned to how they are naturally designed to flourish, experiencing new levels of prosperity and freedom.

Women quickly feel empowered to step into the spotlight of their lives through Tara’s work, then claiming what it is they truly want without apology, while attracting it with greater ease and pleasure!

Through the last 20 years Tara has discovered how empowered women feel when they are given space to authentically self-express. Whether that authentic self expression is through using their voice, claiming their dreams, sharing their gifts, presenting themselves in a way that they feel really expresses their unique essence, truth, and power OR creating Sacred Programs that capture the many gifts, talents and wisdom of women, in order to open up wealth streams to support true empowered financial freedom doing the work that only they came here to do at this time on the planet.

To date Tara has created 12 Signature Channeled Programs, many of them STILL continue to generate income,

Some of her Most Well Known & Most Loves Programs Have Been:

The Intuitive Beauty Cleanse ™
Magical Feminine Prosperity ™
Glamour Goddess
Feminine Soul Wisdom
Radiant Mama Rising Year Long Program
Femme Magic 5K & Beyond Mastermind
Feminine Phoenix Rising ™
Akasha Rising ™
Way Of Sacred SHE ™
Flower Of Life Akashic Certification Program ™
AND many more!

You can learn more about Tara by going to

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