There is a NEW woman emerging.
She is pioneering a way of being that is rooted in divine feminine magic and prosperity.
She hears the call and honors the sacred vision that lives in her heart. She is ready to be the protective, empowered earth goddess she was born to be.
This NEW woman knows that the old ways of society no longer work for her. She deeply desires to be a part of the collective healing that wants to happen if we are to birth a world that supports the true more sustainable divine blueprint of humanity.
She knows that if we are to follow the call and birth a new way of being it first must begin with HER.
So, sister, I ask you, will you be one of them?

It is time for women to return to their natural nourished power and flourish in their own purposeful fulfillment.
It’s time to RISE, rooted in our beauty, truth, and power. To use our energy not as an obligation to a society that does not always align with our truth, but to use it to call in our true soul desires (not our conditioned wants), in order to walk the sacred feminine path we are called to walk at this time on the planet.
It’s time to stop living out of pain and to ride the wave of our pleasure into new prosperous paradigm bliss.
Life doesn’t have to be hard.
Money doesn’t have to be hard.
Relationships don’t have to be hard.
It’s time to create our lives on our own terms, using the feminine principles of pleasure, rooted prosperity and flow, creativity, fun, attraction, desire, and intuition.
Are you ready to let your soul have a say in how you create your life?
Imagine knowing clearly what you truly want, what your soul’s vision is for your life, then calling in your desires to create nourished authentic alignment.
Imagine knowing 1000% how worthy you are of receiving your dreams and having them come with so much more ease because of it.
Every woman has unlimited riches that exist within her, potentially leading her to her deepest fulfillment… if she’s listening.
The journey is not only uncovering the deeper desires, gifts, sacred body of work, abundant income streams, and dreams of your feminine self but also giving yourself FULL permission to claim it — letting it fully lead you into your radiant prosperous rise…
Cultivating and trusting your authentic feminine leadership is the key to creating life on your own terms.

What if the real reason your life is not feeling or looking the way you want to is because you’re scared to claim what you REALLY want?
Or, to lead your life the way you truly feel guided? (Which by the way keeps you looping in endless patterns keeping you stuck at a success point that isn’t nourishing you anyway).
So, I ask you, what do you really want and how much longer are you willing to sacrifice those deep desires for the needs and happiness of others?
Through this 9 Month Initiation, you will birth yourself anew as a sovereign, sacred woman in true alignment with her soul path & calling, opening to the flow of new sources of true abundance.
“I received MAJOR transformation and wholeness through working 1:1 with Tara. Tara has been a beacon of light, and pillar of support for me as she has led me through the most transformative path that I could NOT have done alone.
In my 1:1 time with Tara, we have untangled layers and layers of ‘old stories’, to identify and clear the areas of my life that were caught in a loop and leaving me “stuck”. Each new week before we would meet, a challenge would come up in my life, to be brought to my consciousness. We identified the root cause, cut the cord, and came up with an action plan to embody a higher version of myself. Layer upon layer, I was becoming more and more ME. Not only did this guide me to overcome my obstacles and see a new perspective…it also made me look at each of my challenges as a gift and opportunity to ‘learn and let go ‘. No longer the victim. Now awake and aware.
She held a vision for me that was far greater than I had of myself and reflected to me my gifts and strengths. This literally catapulted my growth to supersede what I could do alone.
I’ve also been honoured to work with a few of the women that have completed the Akashic Certification Program and are each uniquely bringing their gifts of this program to the world.”
Are you ready to…
Lead your life from a place of soulful feminine desire, and unlimited possibility?
Heal imprints of past trauma, and painful karmic patterns feeling a new sense of feminine freedom?
Birth a NEW sacred body of work as the expression of work that only you are here to do in the world. Open up your sacred feminine expression, path and income?
Resolve lifetimes of trauma, fear, and dis-empowerment, and reclaim your FULL healing, creative, and intuitive powers?
Let your feminine soul (your intuition) have a powerful voice in how you shape your life?
Remove energetic blocks, patterns, and obstacles blocking your path for FAST movement forward into your sacred success?
Move past societal conditioning in order to break free from disconnection, disembodiment, and obligation so you can feel the true, authentic freedom of leading fully from the nourished magic of your divine feminine?
Drop the hustle and instead use the sacred woman’s tools of magic, magnetism, manifestation, and nourishing moon cycle flow?
Take a stand for your true wants, needs, dreams, and desires so you can help create a new collective story for the next global wave of women pioneering a whole new way of being (think way less doing, and way more nourished abundance)?
Birth a new paradigm of modern women boldly contributing to global healing all by choosing to show up in the boldness of their radiant, nourished, fully expressed authentic Self?
Connect to & embody your feminine essence?
Let your inner beauty be the leadership legacy you leave behind?
See what Amber Richards, Yoga Instructor and Studio Owner had to say about her Feminine Pheonix Rising Transformation
Mother Earth is waiting for her daughters to rise…
The world needs women who have come alive with passion.
Women who are ready to flow with their divine inspiration and come alive with the beauty of their soul’s purpose!
We need women who are nourished, connected, expansive, radiant, and aligned to who they truly are and who they feel called to be in the world.
This is what the world needs.
Women who can stand in their soul truth, offering the beauty of their nourished presence.
Women who have taken a stand for their unique feminine perspective and have the courage to birth the new vision of humanity that lives in their sacred feminine heart.
This is our chance to do it differently. This is our chance to dance in the light of our true dreams, and to flow, radiantly into our highest purpose for this lifetime.

What if the real scary truth is that you are more powerful, more beautiful, and more intuitive than you’ve let the world see you as up until now?
Begin a magical 9-month soul initiation through the depths of your own inner landscape, into the freedom, prosperity, ease, and soul-led life you dream of!
Awaken to a new level of personal mastery, authentic feminine leadership, & radiant power.
This is for you if you…
– are ready to birth your BIG dreams, desires and uplevel your life or business.
– are dying for more space, time and freedom in your life, and are tired of pushing and trading time for dollars (make more money with less hustle through aligned soulful offers).
– are ready to let your intuition lead in your business, and life (in bigger & bolder ways)
– have been doing your sacred work for a while now BUT know there is a NEW level of mastery calling you.
“Wow! The work I’ve done with Tara has truly transformed my inner life like nothing I’ve done before and trust me, as a naturopathic physician and lightworker, I’ve done a lot of work. I can only imagine what will transpire in my outer world over the next 3 months and beyond. Thank you, Tara, for your beauty, grace, ability to hold space, and support in my deep transformation to stepping into who I’m meant to be!”“
You see, living your dreams doesn’t have to be hard. Most women don’t live the beauty of the life they feel called to live because they are worried about who it won’t work for, and who they may leave behind.
Sounds like you?
Keep reading…

Society has been telling women who they should be for a long time…but who are you truly ready to become?
Every dream, every next level, will require a new you.
This new will require you to step into more of your beauty, truth, and power. And trust me when I say that rarely works for society!
You must be willing to let your soul inspirations lead you to the life you are destined to live. You must be willing to step out of the box of society and define a life that reflects your divine nature, and limitless capacity to expand beyond the narrow perceptions of traditional society!
Allow me to explain…
DESIRE is how the Feminine Soul speaks to us.
Our WANTS our NEEDS, and Our soul longings IS our soul speaking to us, and if we are to experience the true fulfillment of our full authentic expression we MUST allow our soul to lead.
We must be ready to break free…
So, are you?
“Working with Tara was absolutely life-changing, her Femme Phoenix Rising Program was exactly what I needed to be held in a sacred & safe space as I expanded to the next level in my business. Through this container, I was able to create 2 new signature 1:1 offers and I began cultivating my very own Tarot healing method and certification pathway. I know that I wouldn’t have had the confidence to claim this level of leadership without Tara’s support. She held me accountable to my goals, showed me how to properly reparent my inner-child and to learn to love myself unconditionally. I loved working with Tara as a guide because I could show up as I was, she always met me where I was at – mentally, emotionally and spiritually – and if I came to a session feeling down or low, I always left feeling a higher vibe! I feel this work helped me step into my full power and radiance as my business and life has only continued to expand into more aligned opportunities since I ended my work with Tara. If you’re contemplating investing in Tara’s Femme Phoenix Rising Program, don’t hesitate, just do it.“
If you are, then you are being called into a soul path initiation that will take you into the true divine power that you are being nudged to lead with.
This is where our true freedom lives. This is where we are given the opportunity to radiantly rise through the ashes of the old and into the new of 5D Paradigm living. However, until now, there have really been no guides, no sacred container or WOMB to hold women as they shed the skin of old conditioning and wounds and then boldly step into their full potential and power.
This is your time.
The time is now.
This is what the world needs.
Full empowered goddesses ready to be visible in who they are, what they want and who they feel called to serve in the world.
The old way will no longer work.
A new way is needed and that way is FEMININE.
Think pleasure, fun, inspiration, intuition and ease as you birth your soul -level self into the physical expression of who you came here to be.
Can you feel it?
You see….the world needs your WANTS~~!
The world needs your unique feminine perspective.
Mother Earth is crying out to you asking for you to create the space not only for lavish divine abundance but for you to birth the sacred vision for yourself. I guarantee whatever you are feeling called to be and do in the world is rooted in true feminine prosperity and collective healing…
But if you choose to not follow the DESIRES, or to CHOOSE YOU, over the old conditioning, and needs of others the world will never get to experience the TRUE reason you have come here.
It’s bigger than you, and you feel it. I know I feel it too.
And in order to birth your next level of abundance, freedom and beauty you must be ready to shed the old and fully open to RECEIVE everything you are being inspired to live.
See what Patricia Wald – Hopkins, Leadership Mentor, & Voices of Gaia Oracle had to say about the Feminine Phoenix Rising 9 Moon Soul Transformation
Hello, self-worth!
I’ve been there.
It’s deeply rooted in something I often refer to as the MOTHER WOUND.
It’s time to break the spell. To take the noose off. To break free.
To let women lead from their wisdom, empowerment, and true unique creative genius.
It’s time for women to KNOW to their bones that they are more than ENOUGH.
That the world NEEDS what they have to say and do and be and share in the world.
Ready to say goodbye to an old way of being, and fully embody a new feminine evolutionary way of living?
“I actually have no words to describe the value that I have received through the Feminine Phoenix rising program. I am a completely different person than I was only 9 months ago. By incorporating the tools and guidance I have received from Tara I have watched my business grow and prosper in ways I have only imagined. I have given up on the push and hustle tactics that once ruled my life and business and incorporated a more inspired action approach to my business and my life. I have found ease and confidence in my sales techniques and understand the value of the gifts I am sharing. I have learned how to gracefully find balance in all aspects of my life, juggling family, friends, self-care, and my work.
I am looking forward to a future full of potential and all that I desire for my business, myself and my loved ones. I am forever grateful for Tara’s teachings and I highly recommend this program for any woman looking to grow their business in a way that feels inspired. “
Additional results and benefits…
- Birth your one-of-a-kind signature high-value offer you can take out into the world and generate money with it over and over again. While this usually doesn’t happen until Month 6, once your channel is ready the new naturally births itself as an extension of your sacred work in the world.
- Deep ancestral healing to support your feminine evolution & leadership as a way-shower of the new paradigm
- Solid ongoing support from Tara as you take the risks you need to to live your next-level soul’s calling.
- Deep integrated embodiment to support the bridging of your essence & physical body, anchoring you into your channel as a way-shower of the new paradigm.
- Prosperity Consciousness, body, and physical manifestation upgrade from an entirely NEW muscle (no push, hard work, contraction, and limitation).
- Improved relationships (this is truly a journey into sovereignty, and deeper intimacy which positively impacts all of your relationships including yourself and your partner).
- Healing of the Father/Mother wound as you align to a new paradigm of Divine Mother & Divine Father healing held at the deepest level as you rise in your leadership.
- Cellular reprogramming of subconscious old beliefs & patterns to break free quickly.
- Acceleration of your soul path (rather than 5 years of navigating your next evolution & initiation it will take 9 months)!
- Integrated up-level as you drop old ways of being and step into your full beauty & purpose, rising in your leadership with new sacred offers.
- Clear intuitive insight & soul guidance to navigate your alignment into your next evolution in life and business (feel absolutely held & supported like never before).
- Access to your spirit guide team for clarity and energetic expansion.
- Access to your higher self wisdom via Tara to navigate your path with extreme clarity.
- On-going access to Tara’s channelled wisdom for your soul path. (This is huge for bringing in clarity and moving past blocks you can’t see on your path!! Clearing these blocks alone will accelerate your purposeful emergence.)
- Access to monthly group training calls covering a variety of empowerment topics
- On-going assignments, to NOURISH the feminine inside of you, and deepen into greater authentic, powerful, and creative self-expression.
- Deep healing that will set you free on every level with continuous upgrades that will unfold for years to come!