Are you ready to ignite the next level of your embodied feminine power for more income, influence and impact?

Move through your own authentic, sacred feminine path initiation as a NEW PARADIGM women’s guide & leader.

Discover a revolutionary soul-level approach to women’s embodied transformation through multi-dimensional, body based Akashic Record work.

Have you ever dreamed of journeying deeply with women through their authentic evolution & feminine embodiment, while also building a freedom-based business that honors your desire not only for prosperity but for spaciousness, connection, self-care, and family time?

Do you desire to open to your natural healing gifts, intuition?

Would love to be able to skillfully guide other women into their own soulful leadership & power while you step into a new paradigm of feminine leadership as well?

The Flower of Life Certification Program™ is a soul-level healing program that uses the ancient healing wisdom of the Akashic Records, infused with divine feminine teachings to gently, but rapidly shift beyond collective feminine pain patterns that have kept so many other women gridlocked in silent suffering.

This is a time to model a new way of being that is possible for the women on the planet today!


Now is your time, to live in the free full expression of your pleasure, beauty, purpose, prosperity, and the radiance of true divine feminine power!

To trust your authentic feminine to lead you into your fullest free expression, while you help other women do the same.

To model prosperity that comes from a place of service yes, but also PASSION & purpose, WHILE living spaciously from a cup that overflows with prosperity.

Because that is the WAY it is meant to be here.

We are meant to living from a place of our THRONE power, grounding heaven on earth that honours who you are as both a divine feminine woman & a human woman.

A new way of being that begins with the honoring of the feminine in order to re-balance the hyper-masculine consciousness that leads to push, do, disconnect, and never feeling enough?

The good news is the rise of the divine feminine is here.

We are truly entering the golden age of the divine feminine.

SHE is waiting for you.

The way of love, unity, raw creative power, connection joyful purpose, and prosperity is yours to walk and to share with others should you choose. 

Currently, there is a deep ache on the planet. Collectively we can feel it. There is a yearning for a return to great love, freedom, unity, beauty, abundance, and wholeness. The re-emergence of the divine feminine is here to assist once again. This is needed at this time as we restore the wounding in the collective, and hi create a new balance of power and prosperity on the planet, and even within each one of us as well.

So much of the healing needed extends past this current timeline, reaching back many, many generations and even past lives before now.

There is a reason TRAUMA is such a big word right now.

Because we are collectively healing major trauma both ancestral, collective, past-life & of course even present lifetime.

The Akashic Records are held at the level of the soul yes but are also held subconsciously at the cellular level. Which means the Akashic Records are held in our body, and through Akashic Record work we are able to very deeply purge, clear, and untangle trauma imprinting rooted in scarcity, lack, survival, limitation, suppression, and poverty consciousness that we are all collectively healing from – some of course MUCH more than others.

Going through this program allowed me to deepen in and trust myself in so many ways, both personally in my leadership & as a woman growing in her intuitive ability to guide others.

Having Tara as my guide, the way she teaches her specific method is absolutely beautiful. The container and space are so safe and beautiful. The flow of the program and the way she breaks it down, I love it because it is like learning a new language.”

Brandy LeDuc

Soul Purpose Mentor/Earth Medicine Guide

We are being given the opportunity to experience great healing and empowerment past the previous generations before us. However, this is often so easier said than done when it comes to rooting into an entirely NEW paradigm of living that often extends beyond the energetic dynamics of our family lineage, particularly for women the matriarchal lineage.
The pain and suffering of the feminine carried along the ancestral matriarchal line are held deep within our cells. The suppression the feminine has felt for many many generations and lifetimes is deep. It can often feel like an energetic burden, or a sense of deep wounding that prevents women from fully creating the lives of prosperity, purpose and power they dream of.
As a direct result, women often find themselves looping through self-sabotaging pain patterns of disconnect, poverty consciousness, limitation, drain, constant doing and sacrifice.

And, up until now many, many generations of spiritual women suffered dire consequences for standing in their truth and living their authentic purpose. Our Mothers and generations of Mothers before them, very often stayed limited in their most fulfilled expression due to the care taking tendencies of everyone around them. This often left them feeling guilt around the placement of their dreams, needs and desires before others. This conditioning unfortunately is still deep within the patterning of many women still making it challenging to put their own fulfillment before that of others.

The feminine for far too long as been deduced to servant, when really, she is here to powerfully, and abundantly LEAD!

It’s her deep soulful desires, her sacred vision, that is needed now more than ever if we are to change the collective story and rise into radiance as we birth a new paradigm of feminine prosperity here on the planet.


“Tara’s Akashic guide certification level 1 was exactly what I needed to open up that deeper connection to my intuition and trust in myself. I wanted to add this to my current energy healing offerings of voice activation + frequencies, and this new modality has opened up a new level of Connection to my inner power and my inner voice. Going into the Akashic Field and Records definitely add a deeper layer of healing that I know will benefit grandly my clients.

I loved how Tara uses words that really embody and transcend the Sacred Feminine Wisdom. The way she teaches was very inspiring to me.”

Malika Luna

Chanting Queen


It’s time to break free!

 As a result of all of this history often, energetic gunk – soul-contracts, illusions, beliefs, patterns, old karma, and energy drains – need to be cleared. This MUST happen if we are to stand in the truth of who we are, and what we are here to do as women. 

Personal soul-level patterns, ancestral and collective wounding are held in our cellular memory and at a subconscious soul level. Each soul has an Akashic Record that is held in an energetic 5th dimensional library of infinite wisdom. The Akashic Record of each soul holds the memories, choice points, and traumatic experiences of the soul and once cleared, offers the deepest level of healing, then opening up the way for rapid (but gentle) energetic shifts that support the changes desired along a woman’s evolving sacred path – only now we are not bumping up against the vibration blocks that are held at the deepest level of our being experience greater ease, and fulfillment as we move forward. 

Being in the radiant intelligent substance of the Akasha field alone produces a gentle transmission of healing and attunement that assistance with clarity, as well as release. 

In order to restore the feminine blueprint within (and globally) we can benefit immensely from having another woman reflect back to us our buried beauty, power, wisdom, sense of innate clarity and the gifts held within. This while simultaneously untangling layers of lifetimes of energetic blocks holding us hostage in past ways of being that do not serve our highest evolution creates accelerated SOUL LEVEL growth. 

If we are to experience a rapid acceleration of freedom, balanced power, and prosperity past any generations before us here on the planet at this time, then we need deep healing tools. We need healing work that gets to the deepest subconscious, soul-level, cellular aspect of our being. 

We need the rise of those that feel called to participate in the planet’s healing at this time to step forward, to shed the layers of past programming, conditioning, and limitation, and say YES to their radiance, prosperity, and power. 

Maybe you feel this deep in your bones as well?


  • The need for deep healing on the planet like never before.
  • The need for deep healing tools to assist the collective in breaking free past any generations before us of poverty, sacrifice, dis-empowerment, limitation or scarcity.
  • The call as a modern woman to walk your sacred prosperous FREE path in service and from a cup that overflows with energy, passion, purpose, abundance and energy.

     Do you feel the call?   


If so, then this is for you…

The Flower Of Life Akashic Level 1 Certification Program combines the ancient healing wisdom of the Akasha, infused with the love-based teachings of the divine feminine to support the restoration, rise and reawakening of greater love, unity, prosperity, passion, pleasure and connection with you, others and on the planet as a whole. 

The Akasha is considered the planets deepest healing resource. Seeping through the cracks of modern society is the return of the ancient wisdom of the Akashic Records.

This pure source of love, wisdom and ancient healing will beautifully assist your path, as a sacred woman in today’s evolving modern world.

Working in the energy of the Akasha connects you to a high frequency source of healing that will energetically upgrade your body, mind, and emotions as you realign to greater soulful authentic expression in every area of life.

Once only thought to be accessed by seers and very few mystics, the Akasha is making a more prominent return to assist with the accelerated healing needed on the planet at this time providing deep soul level, subconscious, cellular healing that gets to the VERY root of deeply entrenched soul-level blocks.

Working with your Akashic Record and the Akashic Records of others allows you to untangle energetic strands of soul-level blocks, illusions, karmic & generational patterns that have you bumping up against layers of pain, drain, limitation, lack, and isolation.

“The Akashic Records have been instrumental for me as I move through major changes and stress in my life. I have been journalling, and have accessed the Records by myself frequently.

It’s been a huge help through all the ups and downs I have been dealing with. Learning to trust myself through this work has kept me grounded. My pendulum has been a lifesaver for me.

I connect with my higher self daily and use the pendulum to navigate my way forward.

Thank you for this!”

Lindsey Rask


Are you ready to…


  • Understand how to navigate your own soul level path with skill, as a leader in the new paradigm?
  • Deepen your connection to the feminine not just for your own journey, but to powerfully space hold for others through their awakening journal as well?
  • Cultivate a clear understanding of feminine + soul level embodiment that you can use to support your existing client base OR begin to open up a whole new income stream?
  • Clear deeply entrenched soul level patterns as you accelerate your sacred path anchoring into a new paradigm of embodied new paradigm leadership while helping other women do the same?


As you learn to work with the Akasha (Akashic Records) a pure source of love, wisdom & ancient healing for your sacred path as a woman you not only have access to deep wisdom for your sacred path as a women, but you have access to a high frequency field of energy that will energetically upgrade your body, mind, and emotions as you realign to greater soulful authentic expression in every area of life.

“Although I’d heard of the Akashic records/field, I’d never been in them myself or looked into them for others. My understanding has increased significantly over the 8 weeks not just about the Akasha itself but also how and why its medicine is needed so much more today than ever! I loooove spending time in the Akasha and really exploring in there. Each time I do I always feel lighter, less stressed, and have more capacity than ever for whatever life throws my way! 

Tara’s whole demeanor throughout is a calming balm for the soul and really has allowed me to settle in and step forward to experience the certification content. The Sisterhood inside is wildly supportive with so many of us getting together to practise and get those first session nerves out of the way!

Caz Taylor

Transformational Guide for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

To walk your sacred path requires that you begin to work with not just your MIND, but with your SOUL, and your heart. It’s a feminine way of being that once tapped into allows you to birth your purposeful life (and business) from the inside out, and all with so much more ease, pleasure, and fun!

Unfortunately, we don’t live in a society that supports this way of being – YET. No, we live in a patriarchal society that has existed for almost 5,000 years. This means that women have been conditioned to do things from a male perspective, and truly so have men, which isn’t a bad thing, however, the imbalance is ready to be restored. The feminine way, qualities, and characteristics have been lost. There hasn’t been much room for the feminine as collectively she had been suppressed for a long, long time with women and within men. But more than that it’s led to an imbalance of power on the planet, beyond any masculine, or feminine dynamics at play. There is a greater imbalance of power that must be restored if we are to stop the destruction, and suppression of humanity as a whole and I believe that starts with the resurrection of the divine feminine within each one of us.

As the divine feminine within us awakens, layers of old programming, blocks, patterns and wounds are asked to be released so we may flow forward into our own natural prosperous, purposeful evolution as modern woman feeling the call to walk their radiant sacred in the world once again. Clearing these layers of blocks, patterns, programs and wounds, opens the path to new choice points supporting us in being conscious powerful creators of our own lives.

As we begin to simultaneously reclaim our sovereignty, while clearing the layers and lifetimes of energetic subconscious soul-level patterning that has created a disconnect between our true divine nature, we may then fully root back into our true prosperous divine nature as woman. But in order to live day-by-day, we need a deep healing tool that can also get to the VERY root of the patterning that keeps us feeling limited in our experience and full expression.

Very often living your purpose and following the call into your divine feminine empowerment very often healing is required not just through ancestral, soul level healing but around collective wounding as well. For a long time on the planet, we have not had the opportunity to live our purpose like we do now.

The Akashic Records are a powerful tool that assists with rapid soul level ascension while releasing eons of energetic baggage.

The divine feminine is reclaiming her right
to be here and within each one of us AT THIS TIME.


The Flower of Life Certification Program™ provides a
soulful blueprint for her radiant rise individually & collectively.


“The Flower Of Life Akashic certification program was exactly what I craved after learning to do Akashic clearings for myself with the Wild Rose Akashic Self Study program.
From the moment I learned to do self clearings I wanted to share the gift with others!
The certification program goes so much deeper into the art and skill of space holding and guiding women to their own truth and clarity.
Practically speaking, this program gave me a marketable skill that compliments and supports my previous work beautifully, AND my own energy expansion has attracted more clients to this work!
This practice has opened my heart to give, receive, and experience abundance with so much more grace and ease than I’ve ever known before.
AND I know this is just the beginning of an even greater flow of prosperity coming my way. The most wonderful benefit to this work was completely unexpected.
This study and practice with women has opened my heart to be more loving and compassionate, and in this space I’ve learned that what I used to think were judgements of others are simply my intuitive awareness of blocks in their energy.
This reframe has allowed me to be more gentle and compassionate with others as well as myself. This work is as beautiful, powerful, and life changing as you desire it to be. It’s changed my life. I recommend it wholeheartedly”.
Natalie Pfund

Certified Akashic Women's Guide, Hawaii


During this 12-week training, you will:

  • Understand how to work with the Akasha for yourself and on behalf of others.
  • Understand how to lead from the soul, as well as how to support other women to do the same, so eventually their whole life can be a reflection of their authenticity.
  • Understand how to support women through life transformation as an Akashic Women’s Guide (this is a REAL art, and when done correctly moves your clients forward fast feeling safe and held through your support).
  • Open up a lucrative income stream doing deep soul level work, helping other women align to their purpose, with the potential to build a freedom based – sustainable business model that honors your TRUE feminine values.
  • Deepen your ability to trust your intuition as you work within the Akasha field/Akashic Records
  • Awaken your own wisdom, and natural gifts as an Akashic Women’s Guide & New Paradigm Feminine Leader
  • Let go at the soul root, past energetic stories/fears holding you back so you can move forward with more ease.
  • Understand the art of feminine embodiment to support your clients in experience TRUE change, liberation and freedom in their authentic journey.
  • Begin to heal emotional/physical pain as you work with a high frequency source of love & healing in the Akashic Field.
  • Learn to work with the body as a messenger and guide in your Flower Of Life Akashic Healing Sessions.
  • Understand how to use the wisdom of the Akasha to navigate your soul path for clarity, and for the soul clarity of your clients.
  • Begin clearing out old pain, and stagnant emotional energy beginning a gentle purification process of all energy bodies down to the cellular level so you can open the way to upgraded true lasting soulful change.
  • Activate new levels of consciousness as you clear old energetic “stuff” ready to be released.
  • Learn to read and work with the Akasha on for yourself and on behalf of others.
  • Partner with this source of love, wisdom and ancient healing that can beautifully assist your path as a sacred prosperous woman in today’s evolving modern world.
  • Understand how to support other women in shifting beyond limitation, lack, and pain patterns as you learn basic coaching tools, and Akashic soul-level clearing work to guide them on their sacred path as well.
  • How to market and sell the Flower of Life Akashic Healing Sessions to build an income stream to support your freedom-based business & flourishing feminine path as well!

Being part of the Flower of Life Akashic Records program has given me a very beautiful and powerful system for me to support myself and then my clients to their next level of personal freedom and prosperity all while creating an income stream for myself that is totally in alignment with my divine feminine blueprint.

Tara is a pure embodiment of Love and Feminine Wisdom. She is a pure guide, and mentor to guide us through our own wisdom to embody who we truly are in our life and Business.

Olivia Sautereau

Spiritual Mentor for Feminine Leaders, France

Begin your journey today.


Book a FREE Call to discover if this

pathway is right for you.


“If you have been called into working within the Akasha I can’t recommend Akashic Women’s School enough! This divine feminine approach connects you into pure Source consciousness. Tara Preston is so thorough in her training and incredibly generous. 

Cynthia Portlock

Akashic Women’s Guide, Sophia’s Code Facilitator


  • Working with future timelines to set the container for soul level transformation serve women through clear alignment.
  • Understanding what embodiment truly is, and how to actively support your clients to land their essence safely in their bodies to greater and greater degrees, as they say YES to the higher soulful vision they desire to create.
  • Basics of the energetic’s of true transformation whether in the space of an hour or through a designed pathway or journey, as well as how to space hold for the feminine and unique path of women.
  • Working with the Akashic Field for shamanic journeying, insights and body healing.
  • Clearing at the root soul level patterns connected to over-giving, over-doing, drain, disconnect, sacrifice, and care giving tendencies, and much more, WHILE supporting women to embody NEW levels of freedom.
  • Moving beyond feeling stuck, limited or unclear on your sacred path while helping clients to do the same.
  • Emotional healing
  • Past life healing
  • Conscious creation through energetic untangling of old limitations, with new energetic storytelling to create rapid shifts.
  • Skillful sacred space holding that doesn’t drain you but holds a solid space for women to rise in their power through softening + witnessing. 
  • Intuition development
  • Self-love blocks
  • Blocks to feminine prosperity consciousness
  • Personal Power
  • Healing body pain
  • Soul-level, heart and higher self connection.
  • Blocks to divine power or throne power
  • Opening up more of your energetic guidance system
  • New paradigm feminine leadership principles to support your legacy path, and role as a wisdom keeper & guide. 



Introduction to the Akashic Records to develop a framework and solid understanding of this energetic source of wisdom and healing.

  • Discover what it is, and how to work with it for healing and empowerment along your soul path as a modern woman.


  • Key strategies for accurate healing and intuitive work.
  • Self-care and the Akasha. A brief explanation of the healing that begins the moment you start working with the Akasha.
  • Access basic wisdom from the Akasha for messages, insights, and clarity
  • Learn grounding, centering techniques to support your energetic system as you access higher dimensional wisdom and energy
  • How to open and close the Akasha
  • Receive an attunement to the Akasha. This is a beautiful way to honor the start of a new sacred journey and to acquaint yourself with how to access the Akasha on behalf of yourself and others.
  • Begin your 21 Day Heart-Centered Akasha Activation Journalling Practice as you attune to the field. 


  • Key strategies for accurate healing and intuitive work.
  • How to work with intention in the Akasha for clear navigation in the records and along you sacred path. 
  • Program your pendulum to use as a tool for navigating the Akasha 
  • Basic exploration of the Mother Wound and modelling a new prosperous paradigm for modern women 
  • Understand how to powerfully co-create your true soul-level desires as a sacred woman with the Akasha as your alley.
  • Activate your future beautiful, powerful self-timeline in the Akashic Records, as you yourself prepare to transform through the Akashic work and your personal soul level transformation. Use this as a tool to guide others as you step out with your Flower of Life Akashic Healing Sessions.  



  • Begin to examine free will & free choice as you step into the powerful conscious creator of your own experience. Understand how karmic consequences effects future outcomes from both past, and present standpoints. 
  • Understand how to uncover in the Akasha past life stories that have kept you feeling trapped and limited due to negative past life choices, and clear it, opening the way for new empowered choice points that align to your deepest soulful fulfillment as a sacred feminine woman. 
  • Receive insights and clarity from the wisdom of the Akasha (and even your higher Self) on next aligned steps and choice points to ground the higher wisdom of the Akasha to support true soul aligned movement forward. 
  • Begin practicing clearing and healing your own Akashic Record with a basic Flower Of Life Akashic Healing Session outline.






  • Discover the importance of sacred practises for divine feminine leadership, such as the Morning Radiant Power Hour, as well as how to support your clients in claiming sacred space for their deepening personal liberation. 
  • Explore different tools to support your client such as the Goddess Intake Form, and the Core Desires Journal to deepen their experience with you as a Certified Flower Of Life Akashic Practitioner. 
  • Explore what soul led leadership is, how to claim yours and how to powerfully support others in soulful feminine leadership as well.



  • Introduction to emotions and the connection to body in the pain, and how the Akasha gentle/powerfully assists in this healing process. 
  • Discover a unique Akasha breath-work process for energetically clearing emotional soul-level blocks sitting in the body/chakra system for deep healing, release, and empowered clarity. 
  • Learn the basic framework of the energetic chakra system and how each chakra correlates to a particular area of life. 
  • Understand how to clear, heal and empower different chakras through the breath-work clearing process as you uncover past life stories for yourself and clients. 






  • Introduction to emotions and the connection to body in the pain, and how the Akasha gentle/powerfully assists in this healing process.  
  • Understand the importance of grounded space holding as you learn to read the Akashic Records for yourself and others. 
  • Learn to hold your client as the powerful creator of their own experience and why this is important as a practitioner holding space for deep soul healing. 
  • Connect with the higher Self of the client as a starting point for a Flower of Life Akashic Healing Session (TM). 
  • How to prepare for your Akashic readings and healing work as you take you first three practice clients. Discover key components of maintaining your own energy as a space holder. 
  • Understand the importance of client confidentiality and developing client trust. 
  • Practice reading the Akashic Record of other group members and receive feedback. 
  • Receive the FULL Flower of Life Akashic Healing Session outline. This makes the Akashic clearing, healing and attunement process simplified for both you and your clients.



  • Understand how to package, price and market your Flower of Life Akashic Healing Session. 
  • Grow your business as you grow. 
  • Learn creative ways to create transformational packages that sell! 
  • Understand clearly the results and benefits of a Flower of Life Akashic Healing Session ™, so you feel clear and comfortable as you share the beauty, power and healing of this work! 
  • Understand the basics of building a referral-based business, and how to take this work out into your community. 
  • Receive the final elements needed to complete your Flower of Life Akashic Healing Session and understand the possibilities of going deeper in Level 2 and 3 to support your flourishing sacred path. 



  • Liberate your Mother Line Lineage with Akashic Ancestral Lineage work, as you claim your evolutionary woman’s path beyond what any woman has walked before.  
  • Understand the deeply woven energetics between Mother & daughter and how that is carried forward through your mother line, as well as how to re-pattern the Mother Line to support your divine feminine rise. 
  • Travel the red thread through your feminine lineage to uncover patterns playing out in your experience affecting every area of life: motherhood, business, leadership, power and money. 
  • Identify how to repattern by reparenting yourself, as you clear deeply rooted unconscious trauma patterns, integrating a NEW self-image to carry forward your legacy and lineage.  



  • Examine the feminine energetic system (the connection to womb, heart and yoni for women & how trauma relates to the feminine vessel.
  • Understand how the history and suppression of the feminine plays out at a body level for women, and where they can come up against pain patterns that disconnect them from their natural pleasure, connection to self, and healthy vitality. 
  • Discover how the Akashic Records play a vital role in the reconnection to the healthy feminine aspect and how that relates to being fully embodied. 
  • Learn a basic framework for trauma, and how that applies to space holding for women through the Akashic Records. 
  • Deepen into a NEW framework for guiding women as you learn how our society disconnects women from their natural cycles, and body, as well as how that plays out in the disempowerment of the embodiment of woman. 


BONUS (VALUE: $1000.00 USD)

  • Access to the Feminine Prosperity Akashic New Moon Portal for 12 months.  

Take advantage of the money consciousness boosting support that is NOW added in to activate your flourishing feminine path as you step out in service with this revolutionary work!

Make money apart of your sacred path and create the foundation for a freedom-based business that truly supports your highest vision a woman.

Access to a vault of past Full Moon Akashic Activations for your own feminine freedom journey! These are potent!


Throughout the entire 12-week training of the Flower of Life Certification Program Level 1, you have access to Tara for questions through a private Facebook (& messenger) group full of other women in training. The group remains open for you even after the certification is done. There you will have continued support over the next year as you step out with this work.

Monthly New Moon Akashic Feminine Prosperity Circles (value $997 USD)

How about divine prosperity that is rooted in feminine principles?

Reading won’t do it! Embodying a NEW paradigm will!

And that is where the Feminine Prosperity Portal Monthly New Moon Akashic Circles™ come in. Experience the power of the Akasha through guided journeys.

Yes, there is space for Q&A!

You’ve got to NOURISH to FLOURISH. Access for 12 months. In depth activations, clearing work and space to receive for your evolutionary soul path.

 All recorded if you can’t make it LIVE.

Akashic Family Shadow Work 5 Week Journey (Reg $497 USD)

This takes you on a multi-layered, multi timeline journey through all your major relationships, where we examine karmic blocks, vows, pacts, patterns, agreements, contracts and everything else playing out with siblings, spouses, and children and parents.

This is deep awareness and deep clarity around some of your most frustrating relationship patterns.

The Light Working Leader Mamas Ready to Rise 5 Week Recalibration takes you on a multi-layered, multi timeline journey through all your major relationships, where we examine karmic blocks, vows, pacts, patterns, agreements, contracts and everything else playing out with siblings, spouses, and children and parents.

 This is deep awareness and deep clarity around some of your most frustrating relationship patterns.

Femme Wise (Value: $497 USD)

Connecting to (and working with) your cyclical wisdom is the KEY to staying rooted & radiant, not only in your business but in the evolution of your authentic, feminine leadership over the course of your entire lifetime.

Knowing how to work with the seasons of your cyclical wisdom (even if you don’t bleed this is still true) serves as a powerful internal navigation system through major life transitions that gracefully guide you through to the next stage of your natural unfolding in life, business and through the aging process.

Rise in a new era of feminine leadership, business & prosperity by organzing your life and business in the FLOW of your natural cyclical wisdom and watch your life expand, heal and unfold with gracious power!

Clear shame, and trauma connected to your bleed cycle as you begin to truly harness this super feminine power through this 4-module deep dive. Includes 4 journals & modules.


Anchored (Value: $279 USD)

Anchored is an invitation into the divinity of creative power that rests in your womb space.

Creative power that is just for you.

For you to harness as you liberate your creative dreams, vision and desires into physical form.

A place to unleash your unique medicine.

Rising in your leadership unleashing greater income, impact and magnetism from the solid core of your foundation as a woman.

Experience 3 power packed Akashic guided journeys that include movement, breathework, clearing work and practical homeplay assignments such as the yoni herbal steam ceremony each week.





  • Flower Of Life Akashic Certification 60-Page Manual
  • Heart Centered Akasha 21-Page Journal
  • Additional support materias, and training audios

You have lifetime access to material, and 1 year to certify (or really more if needed).




  • 10 PRE-RECORDED Trainings (Value: $1497)
  • Private Facebook group + messenger for questions
  • 1 30 MIN private Akashic sessions.
  • 12-month access to the Feminine Prosperity Akashic New Moon Circles (Value $997 USD)
  • Upon submitting the certification criteria, become a Flower of Life Akashic practitioner ™ and join over 60 women from all over the world sharing this unique, one-of-a-kind system of healing, + make money!



Walk the PROSPEROUS path of the feminine and live your sacred in a modern world while helping other women do the same.


 You have an ENTIRE year to certify with access to the Feminine Prosperity Akashic New Moon Circles & Group Q & A.  

 OPENING CEREMONY & MODULE 1 BEGINS January 20th, 2025! All pre-recorded if you can’t make it LIVE.






PAY IN FULL $1497.00 USD




12x MONTHLY PAYMENT of $143.00 USD


There are NO RETURNS ON PURCHASES. Every effort has been made to make to represent the program in detail and clearly!

This is a tried tested and true program with 100% success rates should you fully certify! Join over 65 women from all over the world who have taken this certification & changed their lives.

Begin the certification the moment you make payment. 

Should you make a purchase you are held 100% responsible for paying in full.

Please reach out for alternative payment plans to tara@tarapreston.com




“Tara Preston is an amazing mentor and guide and her flower of life Akashic Records certification is such an amazing certification pathway. This certification really allowed my business to blossom in a spiritually rich and meaningful way. I highly recommend it.

Patricia Wald-Hopkins

Liberation of a Woman's Soul Guide, Akashic Women's Guide

The Flower of Life Akashic Level 1 Certification course with Tara is truly a gift for any woman. Her teachings and encouragement have inspired the healer within me and instilled me with confidence to trust my intuition.

Since my certification I now infuse the akashic records into my current program offers adding even more value for my community. My women love the results as much as I do!

Her continued support keeps me on my path and In tune with my bigger vision. I am forever grateful for this one-of-a-kind experience.

Shannon Kelly

Vintage Gypsy Magazine & Creator Of "Embrace The Badass Goddess Within," Advanced Flower Of Life Akashic Pracitioner

Tara can I just say I love you! Not only has this opened up an income stream for me that I just love, working within the akashic field has changed my life!

What you have taught me is everything I craved and didn’t even know. I am seriously in love with the Akashic Records 😍

My clients are loving it!! I have loved it! 

In fact, recently I set up an $888 Akashic offer and sold 3!!!


Salon Owner, Certified Flower Of Life Akashic Healing Practitioner


Walk the PROSPEROUS path of the feminine and live your sacred in a modern world while helping other women do the same.

Step into more of their power, prosperity, and divine feminine sacred work while opening up a lucrative income stream they can do from anywhere in the world.

This is the only time Level 1 will be offered separately from the full Akashic Women’s School Curriculum that opens in the spring! Should you want to go deeper at that time, you will have that option, of course.

Meet Tara

Tara Preston is the creatrix of the Flower Of Life Akashic Healing System who over the last 9 years has done approx 6,000 Akashic reading & healing sessions.

She is a new paradigm feminine leader & spiritual business owner, who has spent the last decade working with women at soul-level through one of kind life reinvention transformational packages and Akashic Record work.

She now has a prosperous purpose based business where she guides other women through major life transformations that paves the way for next level prosperity, leadership and legancy work all while rooting deeply into the power of their divine feminine magic.

THE FLOWER OF LIFE AKASHIC CERTIFICATION COURSE LEVEL 1 was created as a foundation level certification course for those woman who feel guided to work with the Akasha for their own personal healing and empowerment, as well as to facilitate that on behalf of others building in a lucrative income stream with this deeply powerful work.

Tara has experienced immense joy working with the Akasha and is now taking the step forward to fulfill her calling of sharing this amazing work with other women guided to explore the path of the soul.

She weaves the spiritual healing power of not only the Akashic Records, and many other healing tools and feminine embodiment practices to assist her clients in healing deep collective feminine core wounds, and soul-level rooted patterns. By doing this she is able to facilitate deep and transformational work that allows her clients to feel free, powerful, and beautiful in the expression of their purpose in both life & business.

Women quickly feel empowered to step into the spotlight of their lives through Tara’s work, then claiming what it is they truly want without apology, while attracting their deepest desires with greater ease and pleasure!

Through the last 20 years Tara has discovered how empowered women feel when they are given space to authentically self-express. Before finding the Akashic Records she worked as a professional natural beauty make-up artist. Whether that authentic self expression is through using their voice, claiming their dreams, sharing their gifts, or presenting themselves in a way that they feel really expresses their unique essence, truth, and power.

Tara helps her clients deeply connect to their intuition, inner beauty, and soul’s vision by working with their natural feminine cycles. She believes that when women root into this intrinsic power, while valuing their divine gifts, and trusting themselves they naturally flow into greater evolution of their authentic expression.

Her greatest gift is her ability to hold a space of love and non-judgement, allowing women to feel safe as they go deep into those messy and imperfect places inside themselves, re-calibrating their life and work so that it nourishes them to the core.

You can learn more about Tara by going to www.tarapreston.com.

Message Tara with questions anytime by emailing her. Once payment is made you will receive a confirmation email.

Begin your journey today.


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pathway is right for you.


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