Mythos of the Aging Woman

Welcome to a 5-week Akashic, Shamanic, feminine wisdom pathway of transformation that is going DEEP into the activation of your aging power, NOW and in the decade to come!
A spiritual reclamation for your aging power & journey through midlife and beyond.
We live in a reverse society.
A society that places MORE value on youth & a woman in her childbearing years than it does on the power of the aging woman.
But here is the thing they don’t want you to know.
The aging woman in ancient times was REVERED for her deeply embodied wisdom & power.
She was the matriarch who upheld communal health for all.
The visionary, healer & seer anchored in her THRONE power.
A life spent cultivating wisdom, and connection to the Earth was valued as a leadership skill.
Her beauty was not diminished through aging but rather amplified through the natural maturing of womanhood, which was then seen as a portal to otherworldly radiance & knowing.
The exalted power of the aging woman fell when the patriarch rose.
The FALL of the aging woman and her immense power was tarnished, and rather than the original name as the CROWNED one, she began to collectively be referred to as the CRONE.
That name alone stirs a lot of emotion for a variety of reasons, and YET it is through the reclamation of CRONE power, that the aging woman rises in her THRONE power once again.
Society, as we know, has it all backward (as it does for many things that threaten sovereignty, conscious change, and freedom).
To dethrone the wise, and powerful leadership of the aging woman disempowers an army of women who are meant to rise in the PEAK of their feminine power.
The power that an aging woman yields has the ability to shapeshift a NEW world, should she return to her rightful throne.
In the collective consciousness there is a narrative (and trust me after 14 years of Akashic Record work with women midlife & beyond), there is often a struggle to embrace, and amplify a sense of VALUE in society, as she ages.
A narrative that is changing with the rise of the perimenopause & menopause conversation.
This conversation is due!
Women are discovering their bodies are Sacred Feminine messengers (as the body speaks through the changing season of peri-menopause, and menopause. Through this huge gateway of transition that we truly have the opportunity to harness for MORE power, vitality, sexual liberation, beauty, wisdom, strength, and knowing.

NOW IS THE TIME to dismantle the inner narrative, and subconscious programming that says aging women become LESS powerful (rather than MORE), through the threshold of the aging journey which often happens through the perimenopause, to the menopause journey).
NOW IS THE TIME to listen and come home to our bodies like never before as the language speaks louder than it did in younger years, but is there to guide us back into a new experience of health, vitality and freedom.
The body is a sacred compass into a new sense of balance, and beauty.
NOW IS THE TIME to cultivate the wisdom that the aging journey gifts us with if we are willing to listen.
Shifting paradigm around aging begins with us, internally, and so the journey becomes an internal, energetic, and body reclamation – beyond the preconceived notions of others or perhaps even yourself.
The perimenopause to menopause journey is a liberated journey of self from society’s limiting views and the outdated projections of other people’s ideas of who an aging woman is supposed to be or what she is supposed to look like.
Here she finds POWER & FREEDOM in a new space of leadership that no longer confines her, as it once did to her younger self.
The Crone rises, reclaimed, and unapologetically takes up space with her BOLD BEAUTY & FIERCE SPIRIT.
It’s a journey that liberates her from the limitations of self, society, and the suppression of old outdated sacred feminine suppressive conditioning often also carried forward from our Mother Line.
The pain body of the collective feminine connected to: women, age & power is ready to be healed in order to pave the way for a renaissance of elder wisdom and leadership very needed at this time in history.
YES, it gets to get BETTER than you’ve dreamed possible.
The lessons, mistakes, and past failures were only steppingstones to your greatness.
A wave of empowerment is beginning to ripple through the collective as women see that they can take their changing bodies, the end of their bleed path, cumulation of their life experiences, and anchor in a NEW frequency into the collective of aging feminine power for matriarchal wisdom the world has yet to see.
Women are talking, sharing, and seeing that the story can be different than the previous generations of women who often suffered in silence, shrinking in the illusion of age, missing their priestess, primal, prime years as Crowned Ones.
Are you ready for an epic spiritual, shamanic, body-based transformation to shift your aging timeline, and activate new levels of awareness for your peri & menopausal journey?
Then join me & Goddess ISIS on this EPIC Breakthrough Journey into more your RAW power!

Travel the landscape of your internal world through a deep Akashic field guided journey & transmission to uncover your own limiting myths around aging beauty, power and leadership. Experience group clearing work.
Define what aging means to YOU, as you uncover a mythical archetype to guide your CRONE/CROWNED ONE initiation so you can draw on strength through your journey as you say YES to your own paradigm shifting journey!
Come home to your body as a sacred guide and decode the wisdom of her intelligence to guide you back home to continued vitality through our 5-week journey! Aging is an invitation to come into a new partnership with our bodies! Receive body wisdom, and communication to partner with your body in a new loving vital way.
Close out the old chapter, and set the stage for a new experience of self & liberation.
Experience a guided Isis light language to awaken ancient secret hidden knowledge, buried in your cellular memory, for breaking internal ageism that limits your capacity to take up space in your bold power.

Travel back to the original Mother blueprint, at a time when the Matriarch reigned supreme for deep remembrance of aging as a right of passage into more spiritual power.
Meet your ancient wise Self, heal the disconnect, then align to, open, and activate your future aging timeline to rebirth yourself anew for future evolutionary leadership.
You do get to choose the path to aging and with this process we get to know and clarity your own powerful aging pathway! Aging doesn’t just happen to you, you get consciously take part in the journey as a catalyst into more of your highest expression.
Is it one of vitality, a strong body, sexual liberation, and priestess power?
Activate, and open this NEW timeline that merges your deepest power, with your highest version of soul’s calling. Thank you current self, then set the stage for an epic journey.

What are the stories and where is the pain that you still carry out for your lineage?
The anger that sits in your bones.
The rigidity that conforms to perfection.
The biting of the tongue to keep the peace overriding your deeper desire for true expression.
Where are you allowing the stories from your life, and your lineage to determine your experience of powerful aging? Where does that sit in your body, in your subconscious?
Transmute & clear the pain of aging, silence, limitation and loss for yourself and your lineage.
Pain from the past sits in our cells and defines our experience until we illuminate the truth.
And when we do?
We and our feminine lineage are set free.

Be a SEXY aging woman who defies the old patriarchal lies that have been stealing your sexual power for decades through this Akashic shamanic transmission & guided journey with Goddess Isis.
The cauldron of your creative sexual energy wants to BURN bright to IGNITE your higher vision and desires, but often disconnect, or shame leaves women feeling dull in their primary center of vitality.
Clear the collective wounding around aging and sexual power, while stoking the fires of your sexual energy to rebirth yourself anew through the aging portal of perimenopause and beyond.
The journey into Menopause is a full-throttle energetic system awakening if you desire. From Pineal to Pussy, you are called to OCCUPY your full feminine vessel for ultimate power as a rising Matriarch.
Experience a language of the womb, creative
Move through clearing work, to dismantle collective feminine wounds around the aging wise wild woman hidden in your psyche, that is limiting the full range of your creative expression. Drop the need for approval and begin to show up in your feminine leadership in new bold ways as an expressive, powerful midlife woman!
Clear beliefs limiting your ability to say YES to more of what you DESIRE & who you are being called to be (that you may have thought were off limits until now).
Listen to the language of womb through a creative art journey with layers of clearing work, Akashic transmission!

Set the spiritual stage for your MOST powerful decade of life yet with a shamanic Akashic record-guided journey & deep soul retrieval journey.
Call all your power back through all timelines, spaces, realities, and dimensions, recalibrating to the wave of your next unfolding, anchored, clear, connected & vibrant.
Experience a CRONE activation & deep cellular clearing work around the CRONE archetype so you can DEFY what aging has looked like in our society up until now.
Peel back the final layers of untruth, to reveal the beauty, and power of your Crone Initiation.
What would it mean to DEFY the normal societal expectations and projection of women aging?
Who are you being called to be?
What is the vision that wants to be birthed through you?
You get to decide what the aging journey means to you.
Come to the edge of your soulful expression, giving yourself FULL permission to take up space with your beauty, truth, and power as an aging woman.
Redefine what aging means to you, shifting important paradigms that will guide your unfolding through midlife & beyond.
You take your power back by anchoring paradigms that are congruent to your deep truth and not entangled by what society’s expectations place on you.
- 5 Akashic Transmission & Shamanic Guided Mythos Of The Aging Woman journeys touching the edge of your awareness with new energy upgrades and pattern interruptions to empower and liberate your feminine soul. (All recorded for your personal library and delivered weekly! Transmission can be listened to again and again for deeper insights, healing and activation. (Value $997)
- Experiential Shamanic Journeys in the Akashic Field for Visceral Subconscious Integration & Intuitive (and psychic) Development.
- Akashic Record clearing work in audio format in a group setting, with subconscious re-scripting for accelerated shifts. You can listen to this again and again and go deeper!
- A 1 Week Anti-Inflammatory, gut healing, hormone balancing meal plan, with recipes, grocery shopping list, Shift eating patterns that do not support what your body needs now through self love, healing & nutrient dense (but YUMMY foods)
- Creative play through the guided journey’s as an additional aspect of expression, art and play to liberate the inner Crone.
- Integration & embodiment of deeper truths and new awareness after each call to be done each week!
- A Private Facebook group for all the shares, and witnessing you can handle 🙂

Sacred Anger – Your Truth, Your Way 60 Min Akashic Journey Pre-Recorded
Anger is a sacred teacher of imbalance or injustice.
It shows us the edges of where we have SACRIFICED our deeper longings, truths, and needs, for FAR too long.
Are you ready to DANCE with your Sacred Anger, embracing it as a holy guide, transmuting the flames of frustrated fury to watery flow as you rise in your creative, sexual authority, taking a stand for deeper TRUTHS?

Beauty, Power & SAGE (AGE) 60 Min Akashic Journey Pre-Recorded
The older woman has been a threat to the patriarch for a long long time.
She is WISE and WILD. Her beauty, power and wisdom grow with each passing year, AND yet we live in a society that VALUES & WORSHIPS youth.
We’ve forgotten the POWER of aging women. Are you ready to reclaim the power of your S(aging) beauty?
“Gratitude for you today, Tara. I listened to the Sacred Anger journey from your Way of the Sacred She program today. I actually opened the recordings not knowing which one I would listen to and then it was so obvious. Exactly what I needed and just so you know I listened on my walk through the snowy woods today which also made me think of you. Thank you for your medicine.“

Be one of the first 10 & Receive:
Wellness For Women In Their 40’s Ebook! (5 Spots left)
Get Full Access Pass $275USD
(Value $1000 USD)
We begin April 8th @ 2PM MT 2024 and go for 5 weeks! Time may be adjusted if it doesn’t happen to work for the majority of the group. Ideally I will always do my best to make it work. Possible times are each Tuesday moving forward at 10AM MT.
All recorded in the Akashic Field. Yours for life!
There are NO RETURNS ON PURCHASES. Every effort has been made to make to represent the program in detail and clearly! Should you make a purchase you are held 100% responsible for paying in full.
Meet Tara Preston
Tara Preston is the creatrix of the Flower Of Life Akashic Healing System who over the last 9 years has done approx 5,000 Akashic reading & healing sessions.
She is a 6 figure spiritual business owner, who has spent the last decade working with women at soul-level through one of kind life reinvention transformational packages and Akashic Record work.
She now has a prosperous purpose based business where she guides other women through major life transformations that paves the way for next level prosperity, leadership and legacy work all while rooting deeply into the power of their divine feminine magic.
She weaves the spiritual healing power of not only the Akashic Records, and many other healing tools and feminine embodiment practices to assist her clients in healing deep collective feminine core wounds, and soul-level rooted patterns. By doing this she is able to facilitate deep and transformational work that allows her clients to feel free, powerful, and beautiful in the expression of their purpose in both life & business.
Women quickly feel empowered to step into the spotlight of their lives through Tara’s work, then claiming what it is they truly want without apology, while attracting it with greater ease and pleasure!
Through the last 15 years Tara has discovered how empowered women feel when they are given space to authentically self-express. Whether that authentic self expression is through using their voice, claiming their dreams, sharing their gifts, or presenting themselves in a way that they feel really expresses their unique essence, truth, and power.
Tara helps her clients deeply connect to their intuition, inner beauty, and soul’s vision by working with their natural feminine cycles. She believes that when women root into this intrinsic power, while valuing their divine gifts, and trusting themselves they naturally flow into greater evolution of their authentic expression.
Her greatest gift is her ability to hold a space of love and non-judgement, allowing women to feel safe as they go deep into those messy and imperfect places inside themselves, re-calibrating their life and work so that it nourishes them to the core.
You can learn more about Tara by going to
Copyright © 2020 Tara Preston All rights reserved