Sept 26th, 2022
7 PM Mountain Time
(Replay Available for 48 hours)
Ready to RECLAIM your Dark Feminine Power?
We ALL have her.
That part of us that we deny, hide, downplay and down right whip into shape when she acts up or starts to take up too much space.
Who is your Dark Feminine Power?
Is it really okay to take up space with ALL of who we are?
To be wealthy & powerful?
Sacred & SEXY?
To be WILD in our expression?
To be BOLD in our truth?
To take up space with the FULLNESS of our deepest desires?
The rawness of your real life story?
The brilliance of our sacred work?
I say YES!!
Join me for a Shadow Beauty Akashic Clearing Transmission this New Moon
- Sink into a beautiful field of loving intelligence that support deep listening to unlock shadow aspects keeping you playing small?
- Meet & FULLY claim your TOO MUCH WOMAN liberating her from the shadow depths of your soul?
- Access your own Akashic Record, CLEARING your #1 patriarchal block keeping you from expressing your FULL beauty, truth and power in this lifetime? (Patriarchal blocks are not masculine blocks – patriarchal consciousness is an ancient system of oppression that affects everyone). Feminine power is a direct threat to the patriarch because the very nature of the feminine is raw creative potential. We have a BIG history on the planet with the patriarch – as we clear blocks we make space for our full human and divine liberation.
- To give yourself FULL permission to take up space with ALL of you, even the parts of you you have deemed unworthy, unlovable or bad?
Step into the MOST powerful, version of yourself NOW.
This is what the world is waiting for! Women who are living free, full, and un-apologetically in the full expression!
- Your tired of feeling invisible in your world, and your ready to STOP letting perfection run the show on where and how you take the spotlight of your business/life.
- Your ready to lead powerfully & MAKE MORE MONEY!
- You know DEEP down there is SO Much more of you than meets the eye and you are SO DONE with feeling like you have to play small to keep others feeling safe.
- You are ready to up-level ANY area of your life – and your ready TO DO IT YOUR WAY. In a way that pleases you, turns YOU ON, and the way YOU like it.
SO, if you are tired (maybe even ANGRY) because of letting patriarchal limitation stop you from living your TRUE divine feminine potential & and you know that as you rise in your feminine AUTHENTIC leadership it inspires others to do the same – this is for you!
Join me for the upcoming Free NEW MOON: Shadow Beauty Akashic Clearing Transmission: Reclaim The Power Of YOUR TOO MUCH WOMAN to wield your power and step into your next level.
Root into a new paradigm of feminine freedom, and unleash your next level self!
I am hosting this FREE (VALUE $ 175) virtual Akashic Clearing Transmission for women who desire to realign their feminine blueprint to match the true desire for full, free abundance and power, unleashing their next level of sacred leadership for visionary change on the planet.
Recording available after for 48 hours.
Here’s what you can expect:
An Akashic Record Transmission to release subconcious limitations when it comes to fully unleashing ALL of you.
Clear your #1 block to unleashing your full feminine power by accessing your own Akashic Record
Discover the ancient history of the feminine & the root of patriachral suppression
Leave with a new understanding of how to own the power of ALL aspects of your feminine blueprint – the light and the SHADOW for full beauty expression!
Meet Tara Preston
Tara Preston is the creatrix of the Flower Of Life Akashic Healing System who over the last 9 years has done approx 5,000 Akashic reading & healing sessions.
She is a 6 figure spiritual business owner, who has spent the last decade working with women at soul-level through one of kind life reinvention transformational packages and Akashic Record work.
She now has a prosperous purpose based business where she guides other women through major life transformations that paves the way for next level prosperity, leadership and legancy work all while rooting deeply into the power of their divine feminine magic.
She weaves the spiritual healing power of not only the Akashic Records, and many other healing tools and feminine embodiment practices to assist her clients in healing deep collective feminine core wounds, and soul-level rooted patterns. By doing this she is able to facilitate deep and transformational work that allows her clients to feel free, powerful, and beautiful in the expression of their purpose in both life & business.
Women quickly feel empowered to step into the spotlight of their lives through Tara’s work, then claiming what it is they truly want without apology, while attracting it with greater ease and pleasure!
Through the last 15 years Tara has discovered how empowered women feel when they are given space to authentically self-express. Whether that authentic self expression is through using their voice, claiming their dreams, sharing their gifts, or presenting themselves in a way that they feel really expresses their unique essence, truth, and power.
Tara helps her clients deeply connect to their intuition, inner beauty, and soul’s vision by working with their natural feminine cycles. She believes that when women root into this intrinsic power, while valuing their divine gifts, and trusting themselves they naturally flow into greater evolution of their authentic expression.
Her greatest gift is her ability to hold a space of love and non-judgement, allowing women to feel safe as they go deep into those messy and imperfect places inside themselves, re-calibrating their life and work so that it nourishes them to the core.
You can learn more about Tara by going to
Copyright © 2020 Tara Preston All rights reserved